Job Readiness Series
This Job Readiness training will help participants understand workplace etiquette and employer expectations. Participants will learn how to conduct an effective job search and develop the skills required in their respective career fields. This includes Life skills training sessions which will help participants maintain a positive outlook and build successful workplace relationships.
Take the Course
--- Job Readiness Benefits ---

How to Get & Keep Jobs
The series include self assessment, exploring careers and the nuts and bolts of getting and keeping jobs like resume writing, completing job applications, interacting with co-workers and taking initiative.

Employability Skills
A consistent focus on positive identity, the activities in the training reinforce both social-emotional and employability skills to support personal and professional achievement for young people

Job-readiness Modules
Introductory job-readiness module that can be developed into a pre-placement component or a stand-alone course in short-term work and learning programs such as summer employment initiatives.
--- Students will explore ---
- A resume
- Cover letters
- Sample thank-you note
- Copies of certifications and/or training certificates
- Reference letters (preferably from employers and program staff)
- Vocational competencies earned (if applicable)
- Writing sample
- A completed job application
- A sample employment email inquiry and more.